It’s very valuable for a family to adopt a team mindset. This mindset bolsters the desire to become more than by silently pressing upon each member in the family the responsibility of a shared goal. For example, an NBA team consists of strangers from various backgrounds having an assortment of behavioral and character flaws. However, in spite of the flaws and differences that exist amongst them, the good teams make it to the playoffs, and the great teams win championships. This only happens through practice, learning the playbook, and buying into the vision of winning that's set by the coach. Questions: Who’s your coach? What does winning look like for your family? How would you know if you made it to the playoffs?
I hope you’re starting to realize that without a set goal/vision encapsulated in a team mindset, your family may flounder towards becoming average. If this is your family, stop! Families were never created to be average. A family by title alone is a great diamond stored in a lump of coal, waiting for the necessary effort to surface to grind away the smut, revealing a unique value of reflective benefits to others and yourself. Our point, a family is an organic formation with intrinsic benefits. On the other hand, a team is a formation of minds wired to achieve a goal. Why not be both?